School Building in 2018
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School Building in 2018
On week of 12th Aug 2018, (oh hang on, fast forward a bit to 6th Mar 2019, great news came, school build in Ndiankha Youssoupha fully COMPLETED! Teleport HERE to checkout more about the exiting news. Stay tune!!), NINE InFusion100 walkers from Auckland, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, London, New York and Toronto set off on an arduous to Senegal. Some taking over 18hours to get to the village of Ndiankha Youssoupha, 300 miles from Dakar; for the purpose of building their 4th Infusion100 school, and to absorb the culture of the famous Senegalese for a week.
They had spent a wonderful week living with the host families and their hospitality, sharing the very little of what they had. What they did have in abundance was joy, good will, energy and passion in helping to construct their first school.

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We Educate
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We Educate
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